ADHD Neuropsychiatric Testing
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Bethany Health Services 23 Stiles Road Suite 210 Salem NH 03079
What is ADHD neuropsychiatric testing?
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects your ability to pay attention and control impulsive behaviors. ADHD often develops in childhood but can last into adulthood. The condition can disrupt your ability to be successful at work, school, or in social situations.
ADHD neuropsychiatric testing is a diagnostic process to confirm ADHD. The Bethany Health Services team uses this strategy to assess how the physical health of your brain affects your thinking and behaviors.
When would I need ADHD neuropsychiatric testing?
You or your child might be a candidate for the ADHD neuropsychiatric testing services at Bethany Health Services if you have symptoms of ADHD that you can’t manage on your own. These symptoms can include the following:
- Persistent fidgeting
- Excessive talking
- Inability to pay attention
- Difficulties following directions
- Forgetfulness or disorganization
- Impulsive or reckless behaviors
The team provides ADHD neuropsychiatric testing in-office to confirm your diagnosis. Your test results also help them create a treatment plan to manage your ADHD symptoms.
What happens during ADHD neuropsychiatric testing?
During your ADHD neuropsychiatric testing session at Bethany Health Services, the medical team completes two types of testing:
Psychiatric testing
Psychiatric testing is a diagnostic strategy to learn more about your mental health and behaviors. Testing may involve questionnaires, interviews, and behavioral observations.
Neuropsychiatric testing
Neuropsychiatric assessments evaluate the health of your brain and nervous system. This part of the test checks your:
- Attention
- Memory
- Language skills
- Sensory motor skills
- Problem-solving skills
- Mood and emotional responses
In some cases, you might need an electroencephalogram (EEG), a noninvasive test to record your brain’s electrical activity.
Based on your ADHD neuropsychiatric testing results, the team can identify what strategies may work best to control your symptoms. They customize a treatment plan to improve your overall brain health.
Children may also benefit from supportive resources to improve their success at school. The team can guide your child’s teachers, family members, and other caregivers, so they can help your child overcome the challenges of ADHD.